
There is only one Jesus

So many people, so many prophets and great men of God has existed, even till this day. They all died except Prophet Elijah the Tishbite and Enoch who didn't. None of these people were Jesus but today is so unfortunate, some persons claim to be Christ. Listen there is but one man who took away the sins of this world, the giver of life. The forgiver and cleanser of sins, the second person in trinity, the only son of God, the only man who died on the cross to save mankind, who lived to die, born by virgin Mary, whose blood is divine and cleanser of sins, only one man who died and resurrected, the only man who ever lived who was actually God himself,the one and only God who ever lived on earth in the nature of man. The greatest man and the most popular man that ever walk the surface of this Earth. The sinless human, the maker of saint's, the creator of the Universe, the man with the sweetest name, the man whose name supersedes every other names and power. The man whose nicknames is more greater than our surnames and real names, a man with powerful infinite wonderful names, His name is Jesus Christ our Savior Lord.Every other Jesus is a fake because Jesus is God and he shall come on the last day to judge the world but not to live as human again.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

A new creation brings about a new nature

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17). For a clearer picture and understanding, this scripture is telling us that, "A new creation brings about a new nature". Let's break this scripture down for us to know how this happen.

This scripture consist of 4 main important information's

If anyone is in Christ
He is a new creation
Old things have passed away
All things become new

The first information talks about man being in Christ, Why the  last 3 are related and talks about the result being in Christ.

Let's study them one after the other

If anyone is in Christ
What does this statement means? If anyone is in Christ, What does it take for any one to be in Christ? From my understanding, It talks about realizing who Jesus Christ is and what he did for mankind. If anyone is in Christ; it means the person is saved and has hope of eternal life, It means he has confessed his sins to God, he does not only believe in Christ Jesus as the son of God, he has also received him as his Lord and Savior. The bible made us to understand that there are certain steps to take for us to be in Christ.

For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. (Romans 10:10)

So, the first step to take for anyone to be in Christ, is for him to open up his heart and believe, for him to be justified. In order for this to take place, we must believe that when we were once sinners, Christ died for us, But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8 ). He is our Lord savior, who lived and died for our sins, resurrected and took the key of death and authority from Satan that we might have eternal life.

Then secondly, confession must be made for us to be saved. Believing is not enough, we must profess our faith with our mouth. Unless we confess our sins to God and he forgives and cleanse us of our sins, transgressions and iniquities, our believe won't save us. Confession activate the truth we believe.

He is a new creation

The word new implies that a change has occur. Therefore a new creation; means that person life has changed. That creation has been renewed by the renewal spirit. He is as fresh as a new born baby. There is a change of attitude, thinking and whatever thing that was old in his life. When i say old, i mean things he used to do before now, he does them no more. He has upgraded and adapted the lifestyle of holiness.

Old things have passed away

Old things has passed away means; His sins has been forgiven, Whatever atrocity, abomination or evil he has done before, when still a sinner, heaven holds no record of them. Which also means he has forgiven those who trespassed against him. It is men who will still look at him and say "this evil and wicked man" but in the sight of God, he has been qualified. Do you know sickness, poverty, untimely death and all other afflictions are of the devil? Yes they are, but being in Christ puts an end to every form of affliction because Jesus has already paid for those afflictions, pain and sorrow with his divine blood. 

All things become new

All things become new, note, all things not some things, meaning the change is total in all ramification. In summary his lifestyle changes totally and lives only a lifestyle of Christ. His life reflect the glory of God. He doesn't need to go to the media, radio FM to make public announcement of his repentance. It is men who sees him and say " Truly this man has repented".

The question now is are you in Christ?  What religion are you? Are you Christian? If you're a Christian, then you are suppose to be a new creation. So are you a new creation? If you are a new creation, then you're not suppose to be doing those things you were doing before. In the sight of God are you qualified?  Have all things become new or some are new why many are still old? If you're Christian like many would say, then has anyone ever told you that you're a true child of God or you're the one who does the broadcasting? Brethren you alone knows the answers to this questions. Please don't read this in vain, read and gain. Attending a church doesn't anyway make someone a Christian and it will never. Accept Christ and achieve a new nature because "A new creation brings about a new nature".

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